Why I Blog

Hello blogging world. So here I am in uncharted territory.  I decided to blog for a few reasons. I love to write – I find it very therapeutic. I do my best thinking in the shower, when I’m driving and when I’m writing. My second indulgence is research.  It maybe something frivolous like how to get rid of ants or something as complicated as counter-intelligence.  The reason I decided to blog about what I am interested in was at the suggestions of several friends and one very intelligent and insightful son.  So here I am completely outside my comfort zone, visiting my very first blog – ever. So what will you find in my blog?  Honestly, it could be just about anything.  I have a very entertaining husband who could provide enough shenanigans to fill a blog simply about him. My favorite subjects are my three children, so I’m sure at some point they will come up. I have a very adorable but very naughty beagle named Trigger and we are sure to discuss him.  My interests are where the cornucopia comes in.  I am proudly patriotic and civic-minded. I volunteer on community boards and events that support our military men and women.  I love gardening, reading, outdoor sports of all kinds, music, movies and traveling. My career background is a tad eclectic with Paralegal, Criminal Justice, Sales & Marketing, Project Coordination and most recently Pharmaceuticals on my resume. Oh and I’m about 4 months away from completing a Master’s of Science in Intelligence Analysis – which is a major goal for me and a step in the “secret dream job” category to work within the Intelligence Community.  So like I said its a cornucopia.  I will never claim to be an expert in any of my posts. These are merely my thoughts down on…well on a screen I guess. Maybe they will make you laugh or you will find something useful in them.  Maybe they will inspire you to write your post or start a blog.  In any event, glad you stopped by.  Cheers.

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